[Spread-users] Running spread with IP multicast.

Mon Sep 15 14:37:12 EDT 2003

Hi,we are testing spread software by running the examples and have a few 
   a. Do we need to run spread daemons on all the machines? It appears      that
      onlye one spuser can connect to a daemon; when the second spuser          
      connects to it with 4803 at machinename, it prints "SP_error: (-6) connection
       rejected, name not unique."                                              
   b. Do we need to run a daemon on every machine that needs to receive data    
      from a group or we can just run a couple of daemons?                      
   c. When try to start daemon using multicast, it always prints the following  
        message no matter which port is used:                                   
        "Sess_init: INET unable to bind to port 1500, already running"          
   As we are new to this product, these problems may be more an issue with the 
configuration. In general, we wonder if this product is suitable for our 
requirement to distribute files and data among a group of machines with local 
interfaces.   Your suggestions or inputs would be greatly appreciated.          

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