[Spread-users] Wackamole Release Announcement: N-Way FailOver for IP addresses in a Cluster

George Schlossnagle george at omniti.com
Thu Aug 30 09:33:59 EDT 2001

What happens in the event of a byzantine break in the ring (say one of the
machies gets it's recieve pair pinched, or if they're running linux, if they
drop their multicast route?)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Stevens" <jon at latchkey.com>
To: <spread-users at lists.spread.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 2:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Spread-users] Wackamole Release Announcement: N-Way FailOver
for IP addresses in a Cluster

> on 8/29/01 3:39 PM, "Yair Amir" <yairamir at cnds.jhu.edu> wrote:
> > How it works:
> > Wackamole runs as root on each of the cluster's machines. It uses the
> > membership
> > notifications provided by the Spread Toolkit (http://www.spread.org,
> > available
> > under a similar license) to generate a consistent state that is agreed
> > among
> > all of the connected Wackamole instances.
> > Wackamole uses this knowledge to ensure that all of the public IP
> > served by the
> > cluster will be covered by exactly one Wackamole instance.
> That is so COOL!
> Great idea!
> -jon
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