[Spread-users] set ips to listen on

Jonathan Stanton jonathan at cnds.jhu.edu
Thu Feb 14 01:33:48 EST 2008

Look at the sample.spread.conf file in the docs directory of the source distribution. 
Towards the end it has several sample configurations that use a more advanced syntax to 
specify exactly what interfaces you want to use for client connections verses 
daemon-to-daemon traffic. If you specify the interfaces you want using this syntax, Spread 
will NOT bind to, but will only bind to the interfaces you specify. 

Note, you usually want to include localhost as well as your private IP's in the list for 
client connections and daemon traffic so you can run local testing programs like spmonitor 
or spuser, but you don't have to.

Hope that solves your problem.



On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 08:38:03PM +0100, Stefan Becker wrote:
> hi together,
> i am having a little problem here, maybe i am misunderstanding something. i use spread on our cluster with 8 servers. because i dont want to use any auth features provided by spread and to make it more secure in total (no exploits from the outside and stuff) i only used ips from an internal interface in my spread config. i though this would be fine but today i found out that spread binds to thus it can be reached from anywhere. any idea how to solve this?
> greets,
> stefan

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Jonathan R. Stanton         jonathan at cs.jhu.edu
Dept. of Computer Science   
Johns Hopkins University    

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