[Spread-users] On deactivating the Spread Daemon Ethernet, spread daemon gets killed ...

John Lane Schultz jschultz at spreadconcepts.com
Thu Jul 12 12:29:16 EDT 2007

Vipul Shinde wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for information.
> After my investigation with spread daemon code, I was able to find point 
> from where daemon gets killed.
> file membership.c(of version 1.0)  : line 1428
> Below is code snippet for same.
> ret=  Net_ucast_token( My.id, &send_scat );
> Why does Net_ucast_token() method return a negative value when,
> SpreadDaemon1 Ethernet is deactivated using neat tool on linux box ??
> Could you help me understand more about it ??

When you deactivate the ethernet interface I think any sockets that are bound on 
that interface will fail.  So when Spread goes to send a message after you've 
disabled the interface the socket returns an unexpected error.  Spread doesn't 
know how to deal with one of its sockets mysteriously failing so it quits.

Again, there is no Spread version 1.0.  The current versions are 3.17.4 or 4.0.0.


John Schultz
Spread Concepts LLC
Phn: 443 838 2200
Fax: 301 560 8875

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