[Spread-users] spread demon <--> client comunication

Piotr Kozieradzki piotoru at zodiac.mimuw.edu.pl
Thu Nov 20 04:22:29 EST 2003

I would like to use Spread in my aplication. When I start testing Spread 
I understand that ther is some problem with client - demn comunication. 
I use very simple architecture: two demons on machine A and B and two 
clinets on machine A and B. Each 10 milisec. clients puts 256B to spread 
(with DISCARD flag). I run it on local network. It works correctly 
1-2min. and colapse after thet.  The error is:
SP_error (-8): Connection closed by spread.

the client aplication is close to spuser.
Please help me.
Piotr Kozieradzki

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