[Spread-users] Two questioins

Huaigu WU hwu19 at cs.mcgill.ca
Tue Mar 19 13:36:31 EST 2002

Hello, all:

   When I used Spread to send message mass, I met two questions.
  1. when I multicast  about  4000 messages using Spread, spread error
always occured, and the comment is "SP_error: (-8) Connection closed by
spread".  I don't know what's wrong with it.
  2. I want to create a group crossing routers, how can I config the
spread? for example, in the first LAN, the local IP address is
192.168.2.X. and in another LAN,the local IP address is also
192.168.2.X. and these two LAN connect to the Internet by routers. and the
IP address of these routers are 62.168.x.x and 132.129.x.x.  Can I create
a group in this environment? and how can I do it?

Thank you very much. I am waiting for your response.



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