[Spread-users] Spread Shutdown ?

Jonathan Stanton jonathan at cnds.jhu.edu
Thu Dec 6 10:08:00 EST 2001

That is a known bug in 3.16.0. 

On the spread homepage www.spread.org there is a patch that fixes it and
it is fixed in the 3.16.1rc1 release that is also available. 3.16.1rc1 is
only bugfixes over 3.16.0 so I believe it is strictly a better release
then 3.16.0. I plan on building the final 3.16.1 for release early next


On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 11:52:44AM +0100, Alexander Meis wrote:
> Hi...
> now i got it running on one server but it semmes so that the Spread
> crashes. This message appears in the log and than the daemon shuts
> down.
> spread: session.c:681: Sess_recv_client_auth: Assertion `Sessions[ses].mbox
> == mbox' failed.
> What is the Problem ?
> Regards
> Alex
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Jonathan R. Stanton         jonathan at cs.jhu.edu
Dept. of Computer Science   
Johns Hopkins University    

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