[Spread-users] CVS access to Spread

Michal Miskin-Amir michal at spreadconcepts.com
Wed Aug 22 11:36:50 EDT 2001

Hello Everyone,

Recently, we saw several questions regarding CVS access to Spread.   
I want to assure everyone that we are definitely interested in making 
it easier to work with Spread and contribute to Spread development, 
and we are not ignoring your comments. 
We do have ample resources at the CNDS lab to support an outside 
development community. We are working on various ways to support this, 
and will update you shortly.  

As for CVS access: We can now provide CVS access to these people who 
are interested. Please email us directly at spread at spread.org to request 
a user ID/password.

Some of you have been sending us fixes and patches: We are also working 
through some licensing issues so that we could easily accept your 
contributions and release them with Spread. You will hear from us in the 
next few days. We will also post more explanations on how to contribute 
on the spread.org web site.

The Spread project was started over 7 years ago. For many years, we did 
not  see much interest in the Spread project outside the research 
community. Recently, we noticed an increased interest in Spread, and the 
features it provides. This is great. The positive feedback from the outside 
users convinced us to release Spread as an open source this summer. 

Involvement of the outside development community is very important to us. 
Many of you have much experience with Open Source projects, and we are 
interested in hearing your comments, while we work through the various 
issues related to this new phase in the life of Spread.


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