[Spread-users] write(): java.net.SocketException

Shawn Bradford shawnb at mojix.com
Mon Nov 12 10:46:39 EST 2012


*It is correct that each connection to Spread also has a private group that
can be used*
*to multicast a message directly to that connection (process). But some
process has to send*
*such messages specifically to that private group. Right?*

This was our issue.  There were other clients sending messages to the
private group of our "write" only client.  These messages were never being
read and spread would eventually disconnect the "write" only client after
the buffer is exceeded.


On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Yair Amir <yairamir at cs.jhu.edu> wrote:

> It is correct that each connection to Spread also has a private group that
> can be used
> to multicast a message directly to that connection (process). But some
> process has to send
> such messages specifically to that private group. Right?
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