[Spread-users] "Connected closed by Spread" on receiving

Lisa Vitolo syn.shainer at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 14:04:46 EDT 2012

Hello to all the list,

I'm new here and I need help using the C API of Spread for a project I'm
working on. Sadly even reading the manpages and the examples shipped with
the source tarball I can't find what I'm doing wrong.

I have this small application that send messages of a certain format to
Spread (unrelated parts omitted):
    ret = SP_connect("4803 at localhost", "send", 0, 0, &mbox, private_group);
    ret = SP_join(mbox, GROUPNAME);
    ret = SP_multicast( mbox, UNRELIABLE_MESS, GROUPNAME, 1,
mess.byteSize(), mess.toString());
    ret = SP_multicast( mbox, SAFE_MESS, GROUPNAME , 1, mess.byteSize(),

And this other application that should wait for those messages:
    ret = SP_connect("4803 at localhost", "get", 0, 0, &mbox, private_group);
    ret = SP_join(mbox, GROUPNAME);

    int ret, serviceType;
    short int messType;
    int endianness = 0;
    char sender[MAX_GROUP_NAME];
    int max_groups = 1;
    int n_groups = 0;
    char groups[1][MAX_GROUP_NAME];

    char *msg = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_MESS_LEN);

    while (1) {
        serviceType = messType = 0;
        memset((void *)&msg, 0, sizeof(char) * MAX_MESS_LEN);

        ret = SP_receive(mbox, &serviceType, sender, max_groups, &n_groups,
groups, &messType, &endianness, MAX_MESS_LEN, msg);


GROUPNAME has the same value in both applications.
Both applications are run on the same machine in which the Spread daemon is
launched. When I send a message with the receiver app "listening",
SP_multicast succeeds but SP_receive immediately fails with SP_error: (-8)
Connection closed by spread. Can you help me doing the correct thing?

Thanks to everyone,
Lisa Vitolo

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so
bad as a lot of ignorance.
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