[Spread-users] Problem with "name not unique" on Solaris 10

Andres Heinloo andres at gfz-potsdam.de
Tue Jul 21 11:13:02 EDT 2009

On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Daniel F. Savarese wrote:

> In message <Pine.LNX.4.64.0907171604170.5907 at st55.gfz-potsdam.de>, Andres Heinl
> oo writes:
> >User>j PICK
> >
> >User>l PICK
> >
> >User>q
> If that's a complete log, then you're missing the receipt of two
> group membership messages.  Something like the following after the
> join:
> ============================                            
> Received REGULAR membership for group PICK with 1 members, where I am member 0:
>         #tttt#localhost
> grp id is -1062731517 1247454353 1                      
> Due to the JOIN of #tttt#localhost
> And something like the following after the leave:
> ============================
> received membership message that left group PICK
> That may be why the connection name isn't being freed up immediately
> (there are pending messages, so the Spread daemon may wait before
> killing the connection's queue of messages).  Try waiting for the
> membership messages to arrive before issuing the quit command and see
> how long that takes.  That may help the Spread team tell you what's
> going on.  I wasn't able to reproduce your problem, but I'm running
> a patched version of Spread with some custom modifications.

Indeed the membership messages are missing. It takes several minutes until 
membership message arrives. However, once the message arrives, Spread 
starts to work normally.

I think it would not make sense to keep message queue after TCP 
disconnect, specially if the client cannot reconnect anyway (name not 

Looks like the Spread daemon is somewhere blocked at start, however, it 
still does accept and handle TCP connections.

As I said, the problem does *not* occur on Linux. On Solaris 10, it seems 
that Spread works better when compiled with SunStudio rather than gcc (I 
never got membership message when compiled with gcc, but maybe I did not 
wait long enough).

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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