[Spread-users] Are all group messages sent to all servers?

Jim Kleckner jek-spread at kleckner.net
Sat Jan 19 11:31:28 EST 2008

I would like to explore with Spread Concepts either publicly
or privately the possibility to implement this optimization and
what the funding requirements are.  Anyone who cares about
this, please reply or drop me a note privately if you prefer.

It is such a huge simplification for deployment that allows
you to use one messaging fabric for multiple purposes.

Jim Kleckner wrote:
> John Lane Schultz wrote:
>> I believe that all messages, including ones to private groups, go to all
>> daemons right now.  There has been talk of optimizing this behavior to
>> only send meta-messages to all daemons and send the actual messages
>> only to those daemons that need them, but this work has not yet been
>> done.
> Hm.  This is a big deal.
> One of the key beauties of spread is the way that it
> federates multiple remote LAN segments.  It is a huge
> simplification if local traffic stays local and remote traffic
> is replicated only if needed.  It would let you use one
> configuration and set of servers for a variety of
> simultaneous communication strategies.
> At the least, private group messages should be optimized.
> How hard is this type of optimization, both for private
> and for not-private?
> Is there a funder out there that would like to engage
> Spread Concepts to work on it?  About how
> much would it cost to fund?

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