[Spread-users] Spread's maximums

John Schultz jschultz at spreadconcepts.com
Wed Jul 18 12:43:53 EDT 2007

On the number of daemons in a configuration there is a soft limit of 30-40 
daemons for a well functioning system and a hard limit of, I believe 128, 

On the number of clients per daemon, daemons use select() I/O loops to 
handle clients.  So, how ever many file descriptors your system's select() 
supports is how many clients Spread can handle.  This number is typically 
a bit under 1000 as a maximum.

On the number of groups in the system, I believe this is limited only by 
the memory available to Spread.  We have performed tests with hundreds of 
thousands of groups.

On the maximum number of members per group, the only limit of which I am 
aware is the reporting of membership messages.  By default, messages have 
a max size of around 100K and member names are 32 bytes long.  So, I would 
think a group couldn't be bigger than about 3000 members.


John Schultz
Spread Concepts
Phn: 443 838 2200

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Daniel Marques wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm currently evaluating Spread to see if it will fulfil our needs ,
> and was wondering if there was any hard or soft limits on the maximum
> number of Spread daemons, Spread processes per daemon, total Spread
> processes, total groups, and processes per groups.
> Any insight will be very helpful.  I apologize if this is has an RTM answer.
> Thanks.
> Dan
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