[Spread-users] Java api for Flush

Nuno Carvalho nunomrc at di.fc.ul.pt
Tue Jan 16 10:56:41 EST 2007


the last time I looked to the Spread java API, it did not had  
anything to flush messages before a view change. I think that you can  
use only Spread without flush, if you want to use the Spread java API.

But there is a generic interface for group communication that  
supports flush on Spread 4.0.0. Check out jGCS in http://jgcs.sf.net
This is an open source project. You have to download the jgcs package  
and the Spread binding package. With jGCS, you can use flush on  
Spread 4.0.0.

Hope this helps you.


On Jan 16, 2007, at 10:42 , Isabel Muñoz wrote:

>   Hello,
> I read that version 4.0.0. has an   Integrated Virtual Synchrony  
> interface;
> How can I use it in Java?
> Thanks,
> Isabel Muñoz.
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Nuno Carvalho
University of Lisbon, Portugal

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