[Spread-users] Local connection heartbeats

Camp, TracyX E tracyx.e.camp at intel.com
Thu Sep 7 15:26:32 EDT 2006

I've worked on a forked variant of spread in the recent past.  I'm
planning on posting a few of the more useful bits of the variant fairly
soon.  Anyways we did have a watchdog facility in our variant.  It
worked by having an API that scheduled a timed event to the main client
event loop (i.e. an E_queue() call).  The callback the API specified
would send a heartbeat message to the local spread daemon and schedule
another upcall.  The spread-daemon had an aliveness counter for each
socket that if it wasn't updated in a certain number of seconds would
cause various things to happen.  In our case we took the entire spread
daemon down, but in your case it could simply do a sess_kill() on the
offended socket, which would in turn cause membership to change.



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