[Spread-users] Auth IP configuration

Ryan Caudy rcaudy at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 18:36:48 EDT 2005

Looks like Spread was unable to guess the right IP address to bind to.
 Try starting it with the -n option.


On 4/28/05, Jose R. Ilabaca <jrilabaca at certifica.com> wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to use IP authentication but got the following problem: 
> I will have some web servers, each running a spread daemon and apache with
> mod_log_spread. Then I will have 2 other servers running a spread daemon
> each and running spreadlogd to write apache's logs. 
> I want to restrict spread connection to the IPs of those servers only, so I
> create the spread.auth_ip file with the IPs of every server (/32). 
> But when I start spreadlogd I receive an Authentication denied message. 
> I noticed that spread daemons starts bound to interface, and
> spreadlogd also try to authenticate with this same address, so it is denied.
> What am I doing wrong? 
> Thanks, 
> Jose R. Ilabaca 
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