[Spread-users] 'Connection closed by spread' ...

Ryan Caudy rcaudy at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 22:54:03 EDT 2004


This error is usually caused by a failure to receive by clients to
Spread.  If your clients let more than a certain number of messages,
1000 with a "vanilla" Spread, pile up at the daemon without receiving
them, then Spread will disconnect them with that error code.

You may want to look at past posts on this list about flow control.

Also, on a side note, I would encourage you to use the most recent
stable release of Spread.


On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 12:12:54 -0600, Jim Vickroy <jim.vickroy at noaa.gov> wrote:
> ... is the error that is happening more frequently than desirable -- about
> once every 1000 publishing attempts.
> Could someone suggest a way to reduce this error rate (at least by a factor
> of 10)?
> The platform:
>         Spread: v 3.17.01 (20 June 2003)
>         Spread Host: RedHat Workstation, Kernel: 2.4.21-4.EL
>         Client Host: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
>         Client Software: Python v 2.3.3
> The use case:
>         Messages are published in bursts at 1-minute intervals.
>         Each burst of messages comprises 5-10 messages; each message is generated
> by a distinct process.
>         Each message is about 100 bytes.
>         Publication service type is set to spread.SAFE_MESS.
> Thanks,
> -- jv
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Ryan W. Caudy
<rcaudy at gmail.com>
Bloomberg L.P.
<rcaudy1 at bloomberg.net>
<caudy at cnds.jhu.edu>         
Center for Networking and Distributed Systems
Department of Computer Science
Johns Hopkins University          

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