[Spread-users] Spread for Component oriented event-based systems

Nilay Padh nilay_bom at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 14 16:24:08 EST 2004

Hi All,

We are developing a Component oriented system which uses events to communicate among each other.
Fault-tolerance & reliability is one of our major concern. 

* Is Spread a feasible alternative in this scenario ?
* Can one pass an event/message to an individual component/object/application/process using spread (point-to-point)?
* Does a Component have to be a part of a group to receive events/messages ? 
* What is a private group ?
* Assuming that my system is going to operate within a "site" and not on Wide Area Network. 
How many daemons do I need to instantiate ? Is one daemon enough( something kinda a huge event Router )?
* If a component A wants to send a event/message to component B, how can it be done using spread ?
Does A & B have to be in a same group to receive messages ?
* I am using CORBA events for my stuff. How can Spread be a better option instead of CORBA in this case ?


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