[Spread-users] crash bug report

Mikhail Terekhov terekhov at emc.com
Thu Feb 12 11:34:05 EST 2004

Tim Peters wrote:

>[Jonathan Stanton]
>>I'm a bit concerned about this patch as it seems to be working around
>>a compiler bug by making the code less clear (char instead of int
>>when the value is an integer) -- and it isn't guaranteed to work if
>>gcc changes how the algorithm by which it removes memcpys. I'd be
>>happier with a flag that forced gcc not to remove the memcpys if
>>there is no better solution.
>>I'll admit I do not have the C standard memorized. Does anyone else
>>know if this is valid compiler behavior on platforms where the memcpy
>>is required for alignment reasons?
>I was a language lawyer in a previous life (15 years in optimizing compiler
>development).  There are two issues here:
>1. The effect of the assignment:
>	int32		*num_vs_ptr; /* num members in
>	num_vs_ptr = &Mess_buf[ num_bytes ];
>is undefined by C unless the address is properly aligned for an int32.  So
This is not exactly what was in the code before the patch. The code was:

                   int32                     *num_vs_ptr;
                   int32u                     temp;
                   num_vs_ptr = (int 32 *)&Mess_buf[ num_bytes ];
                   temp = 1;
                   memcpy(num_vs_ptr, &temp, sizeof(int32));

In this case the assignment to num_vs_ptr is perfectly defined in C. It 
is a pointer to some place inside the buffer Mess_buf. What is undefined 
is an assignment like *num_vs_ptr = 1
if the pointer is not properly aligned.

>in the original code, it's not really the memcpy that's the problem, it's
>that the input to memcpy has no defined semantics (unless the address is
>already int32-aligned).
The input to memcpy is also perfectly defined because according to 
memcpy(3) the
prototype is:

             void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);

Both src and dest are _void_ pointers i.e. pointers of any kind and 
memcpy copyes _bytes_
not ints, doubles etc.
What happens here is that gcc is clever enough and takes the fact that 
both source and
destination are pointers to four byte sized variables and that the 
number of bytes to copy is
also four as a _hint_ from the programmer and optimizes the call to 
memcpy out.

>2. In the rewritten code:
>	char		*num_vs_ptr; /* num members in vs set */
>	num_vs_ptr = &Mess_buf[ num_bytes ];
>	num_bytes += sizeof( int32 );
>      temp = 1;
>      memcpy(num_vs_ptr, &temp, sizeof(int32));
>the assignment to num_vs_ptr is defined, and I believe gcc's memcpy is in
>error if it doesn't work as intended.  The C standard defines memcpy in
This works as expected. There is no problem with gcc in this case.

>terms of copying "characters", one at a time, and imposes no alignment
>requirements.  When I wrote highly optimized memcpy implementations in
>previous lives implementing C, it was universally accepted among C compiler
>writers that you could not optimize memcpy at the expense of violating
>platform alignment restrictions.
>So you lose either way <wink>.  Here are some gcc developers debating the
>same thing:
>    http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-bugs/2000-03/msg00155.html
Exactly. The problem not in the memcpy but in the compiler optimization.
Compiler trusts programmer too much ;)

>It *sounds* to me like the main developer is determined to be unreasonable
>on this point, but I don't really know.
>The practical thing to do is to reserve use of memcpy for purely
>known-to-be-aligned cases, and write your own memcpy-workalike one-liner for
>other cases.  You don't want to turn off the builtin memcpy if you ever use
>it to move large chunks of (properly aligned) memory, because a good
>compiler *can* do that much faster than one-byte-at-a-time.  Unaligned block
>transfers are much harder to speed, and the overhead of trying to speed them
>costs more than it saves unless "a lot" of bytes are getting moved -- so
>it's usually no loss to run your own byte-at-a-time function in such cases.
>If Spread doesn't memcpy large chunks of memory, screw it -- disable gcc's
>inlined replacement and sleep well.
There is no need to write home grown memcpy, just don't give compiler 
too much
unfounded hints :)

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