[Spread-users] lost flooder messages

Kelvin Fedrick Kelvin.Fedrick at noaa.gov
Fri May 9 11:40:16 EDT 2003

I just tried it and it doesn't seem to help.

./spflooder -m 500 send 500 messages with a sequence number and the spuser
only received message 1 - 498. The number of messages received is variable;
occassionally it gets them all but there are usually a few missing (e.g. 4994
of 5000
were received on a run I just made).


Joshua Goodall wrote:

> On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 02:44:37PM -0600, Kelvin Fedrick wrote:
> > I saw a few previous post on this from July 2002, but I never saw a
> > definitive resolutions. We've experienced the same problem. We
> > modified the spflooder to send a message sequence number and find
> > that often a small percentage of messages at the end are never delivered
> >
> > (e.g. 400 sent but only 398 delivered).
> > Placing a 1 second sleep at the end of the flooder program main(), just
> > before exit seems to fix this. Also I haven't been able to reproduce it
> > so
> > far running spflooder as write-only. Any ideas?
> Instead of a sleep, does adding a SP_disconnect(Mbox) also fix it
> for you?
> J
> --
> Joshua Goodall                                      "tea makes itself"
> joshua at roughtrade.net                                       - Ana Susanj
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