[Spread-users] Newbie - new installation dies after seconds

Jonathan Stanton jonathan at cnds.jhu.edu
Thu Jun 12 15:28:14 EDT 2003

I'm not positive why this is occuring, but if you don't turn on the
logging (the -l y flag) does the problem still occur?

The logging enabled by the -l flag is probably not very useful to anyone
besides the developers or for debugging very unusual problems. The main
logging most people use is controlled by the "EventLogFile"
and "DebugFlags" declarations in the config file.  


On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 05:35:51PM -0400, Andrew Biagioni wrote:
> This is my first encounter with Spread;  I'm trying to install it to run 
> Postgres-R on top of it.
> I installed Spread from source (3.17.0) on RH Linux 7.3 as per 
> instructions;  I then customized a spread.conf file which I put in /etc/ 
> (BTW, the network config. instructions are very good), as follows:
> 	Spread_Segment {
> 	        localhost     
> 	}
> 	DebugFlags = { ALL }
> 	EventLogFile = /var/log/spread.log
> 	EventTimeStamp = "[%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S]"
> 	Spread_Segment {
> 	        sync1
> 	        sync4
> 	}
> When I start spread ( spread -c /etc/spread.conf -l y & ), it dies after 
> a few seconds with the message:
> 	Log_alive: error (No such file or directory) could not \
> 	open file localhost
> 	Exit caused by Alarm(EXIT)
> I also tried running with the sample.spread.conf file unchanged as 
> spread.conf;  it dies very quickly.  The whole log file (after the 
> credits/comments) is:
> 	ip_init: IP access control file not found.
> 	If you are using IP based access controls, please \
> 	make sure the file exists.
> 	Conf_init: using file: /etc/spread.conf
> 	Successfully configured Segment 0 [] \
> 	with 1 procs:
> 	                   localhost:
> 	Finished configuration file.
> 	Conf_init: My name: localhost, id:, port: \
> 	4803
> 	Spread: setugid and chroot successeful
> 	Membership id is ( 2130706433, 1055356088)
> 	--------------------
> 	Configuration at localhost is:
> 	Num Segments 1
> 	        1       4803
> 	                localhost     
> 	====================
> 	Log_alive: error (No such file or directory) could not \
> 	open file localhost
> 	Exit caused by Alarm(EXIT)
> I know a file called "localhost" is created in the location from which I 
> am running spread with owner root, and three lines:
> 	B    1055358658
> 	M    1055358665    1055358665           0 >   0
> 	A    1055358665           0
> I changed the file's ownership to user "spread", access 666, but the 
> error still persists.
> I went through all the docs. I could find, but to no avail.  Any 
> suggestions?
> Thanks,
> 		Andrew
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Jonathan R. Stanton         jonathan at cs.jhu.edu
Dept. of Computer Science   
Johns Hopkins University    

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