[Spread-users] some answers and other questions...

Sumeet sumeetp at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 28 13:42:59 EST 2003

So, i guess to answer some of my own questions, yes, i should have the same wackamole.conf for each box with the VIP the same for both. The Changelog reference in 1.2.0 was referring to having more real machines than VIPs by setting VIP to on some of them. Must have been changed in 2.0.0. Oh, well. The core dump is still perdicatably happening. I am working around it as mentioned below. So, my other question is that on one of the machines the failover is not working to well. It keep getting these messages in var log messages. I assump the connect failed and Illegal session are bad. I'm going to be a total jerk and cross post since it is awfully quiet around here:

Jan 27 23:57:24 spokane wackamole[1147]: No such interface
Jan 27 23:57:26 spokane wackamole[1147]: connecting to 4803
Jan 27 23:57:26 spokane wackamole[1147]: Dequeued arp spoof notifier.
Jan 27 23:57:26 spokane wackamole[1147]: No such interface
Jan 27 23:57:26 spokane wackamole[1147]: Spread connect failed [-6].
Jan 27 23:57:29 spokane wackamole[1147]: SP_error: (-11) Illegal session was supplied 
Jan 27 23:57:29 spokane wackamole[1147]: connecting to 4803
Jan 27 23:57:29 spokane wackamole[1147]: Dequeued arp spoof notifier.
Jan 27 23:57:29 spokane wackamole[1147]: No such interface
Jan 27 23:57:31 spokane wackamole[1147]: connecting to 4803
Jan 27 23:57:31 spokane wackamole[1147]: Dequeued arp spoof notifier.
Jan 27 23:57:31 spokane wackamole[1147]: No such interface
Jan 27 23:57:31 spokane wackamole[1147]: Spread connect failed [-6].
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sumeet Pannu 
  To: wackamole-users at lists.backhand.org 
  Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 1:43 AM
  Subject: [Wackamole-users] wackamole core dump

  i would like to setup wackamole as a simple failover mechanism for a stateless web server running linux 2.2.16.
  the web servers have IP addresses and respectively
  i setup the following wackmole.conf on each:
  Spread = 4803
  SpreadRetryInterval = 5s
  Group = wack1
  Control = /var/run/wack.it
  Prefer None
  VirtualInterfaces {
          { eth0: }
  Arp-Cache = 90s
  Notify {
          eth0: throttle 128
  balance {
           AcquisitionsPerRound = all
           interval = 4s
  mature = 5s
  My first question is -- would that suffice for a failover scenario, or should the .2 backup web server have a virtual interface of eth0: (as per a change log i read)?
  This of course is all theoretical since my real problem seems to be that wackamole seg faults when i try to start it. If i create a secondary interface (eth2 for eg) change references to eth2 for virtual interface it does not core dump. I can attach the core if you are interested, but it is 7.6megs...
  spread seems to run fine (according to spmonitor and spuser passes messages back and forth), although i do start it with a spread -n hostname.
  thx for your time.
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