[Spread-users] problem re-using private names with 3.17.0

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at zope.com
Sun Oct 27 15:33:15 EST 2002

>>>>> "DR" == Daniel Rall <dlr at finemaltcoding.com> writes:

  DR> Hey Jeremy.  I can't say that I see the preventing of the use of
  DR> the same private name by multiple clients as a "bug" (of course
  DR> I could easily be wrong here ;), but I can suggest a work
  DR> around.  Pass a NULL name to the Spread daemon when you call
  DR> SP_connect() -- the daemon will generate and assign your
  DR> client's connection a private group.

I realize that you can let the daemon generate a group name, but I
presume the option to supply a name exists for a reason.  (Else you
could simplify the API by removing the argument entirely.)  We have
applications that supply a name 1) to identify the client for
debugging purposes and 2) to prevent more than one client of a
particular type from starting.

This behavior worked just fine in Spread 3.16.2.  We can't upgrade our
systems to 3.17.0 at the moment because our app will break.

I also wonder how exactly the name-not-unique decision is being made.
The one place where I see the uniqueness being tested, the daemon
looks at the name of current sessions.  If we're leaking private
names, are we leaking sessions?


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