[Spread-users] Wackamole IP takeover time

Yair Amir yairamir at cnds.jhu.edu
Thu Jul 11 11:28:56 EDT 2002

This actually mainly depends on how the Spread Toolkit timeouts are
set. If you use Spread exactly as it is "out of the box", the timeouts
for machine crashes should be around 10 seconds or so in a cluster.

This can be tuned but probably not to less than 2 seconds in well
behaved clusters.

If just Wackamole itself is brought down or up (as in recovery) then it
should take probably around 10-20 milliseconds to switch the virtual IPs.


:) Yair.

Min> We seem to have all things running alright. But I have
Min> a question here. Has anyone done benchmarking on the
Min> IP takeover time on two-node Wackamole to see exactly
Min> how much time is needed to the virtual IP to be
Min> switched over(excluding applications). It seems to be
Min> reasonably fast, and I know it depends on the network
Min> conditions and physical network connections. I just
Min> need the numbers.

Min> Thanks.

Min> Min

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