[Spread-users] spreadlogd errors in FreeBSD

Sean Chittenden sean-cnds-spread-users at chittenden.org
Wed Jul 25 14:02:54 EDT 2001

	If you still have the core file around, could you send a 

gdb spreadlogd spreadlogd.core

	Thanks.  -sc

> Spreadlogd: 1.41
> Spread: 3.16.0+SESSIONPATCH or 3.15.2
> spreadlogd.conf
> BufferSize = 65536
> Spread {
>   Port 4804
>   Log {
>     Group = apache-0029
>     VhostDir = /home/logs.test
>   }
> }
> Output:
> gold# ./spreadlogd -D -v
> Zeroing vhost hash for usage!
> running spreadlogd as ./spreadlogd
>         configfile:             /etc/spreadlogd.conf
>         debug:          YES
>         verbose:                YES
>         log spread errors:      NO
>         buffer size:            65536
> Successfully connected to spread at /tmp/4804
> Joined apache-0029.
> Setting FD: 3
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> It writes one line and then core dumps.  Please help.
> It does not matter what group I use.
> -- tdh

Sean Chittenden
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