[Spread-users] Problems with more than 2 hosts in a segment

George Schlossnagle george at omniti.com
Tue Dec 12 10:56:01 EST 2000

Any two hosts can work, or is it always a particular 3rd one that causes
the problems?  Do they all have _identical_ spread.conf files (they


Hans Juergen von Lengerke wrote:
> I am experiencing problems in a spread segment which looks like this:
>   hermes:/usr/local/bin # cat spread.conf
>   Spread_Segment {
>           hermes
>           baggins
>           gamgee
>           took
>   }
> The config is exactly the same on all of those hosts. All hosts run SuSE
> Linux with kernel 2.2.16-SMP apart from hermes which runs a 2.2.14
> kernel.
> When spread runs on any two of the machines everything works as
> expected. As soon as a third machine joins the segment things go wrong.
> 'user' sessions don't work anymore. For example:
>   gamgee:~ # user -s 3333
>   Spread library version is 3.14
>   recv_nointr_timeout: Timed out
>   SP_error: (-8) Connection closed by spread
>   Bye.
> and also existing 'user' sessions do no longer receive messages sent
> from themselves or other group members. For example, I have spread and
> 'user' sessions running on baggins and gamgee. Everything works fine:
> [on gamgee]
>   User> j test
>   User> s test
>   enter message: foo
>   User>
>   ============================
>   received SAFE message from #user#gamgee, of type 1, (endian 0) to 1
>   groups
>   (4 bytes): foo
> Now, I start spread on hermes. For some reason, it takes a fair amount
> of time (prob ~30 seconds) until all spread deamons report that hermes
> has joined. After this was reported we go on with the 'user' session:
> [still on gamgee]
>   User> s test
>   enter message: bar
>   User>
> Nothing happens. Nobody receives the message although nothing has
> changed apart from hermes joining the spread ring.
> Can anyone help?
> Thx, Hans
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