[Spread-cvs] cvs commit: spread/daemon CVS_Readme.txt

spread-users@lists.spread.org spread-users@lists.spread.org
Sun, 03 Oct 2004 01:15:03 -0400

jonathan    04/10/03 01:15:03

  Added:       daemon   CVS_Readme.txt
  Add new readme file for building from CVS and related issues.
  Apply correctly indented version of FreeBSD pthreads autoconf test from
  Daniel Rall.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  spread/daemon/CVS_Readme.txt
  Index: CVS_Readme.txt
  Documentation on using Spread from CVS.
  The main development is done on the HEAD branch. (default)
  There may be release branches for older releases if needed.
  To checkout a copy
  cvs -d :ext:cvs.spread.org:/storage/cvsroot checkout spread
  You should now have a 'spread' directory which contains the subdirectories:
      * spread/daemon with the Spread daemon and C library code.
      * spread/javalib with the Java library code.
      * spread/javaapps with sample Java applications.
      * spread/perl with the Perl library code. 
  To Build from a clean CVS checkout
  You normally just need to run:
  make parser
  su  (if you use the standard /usr/local install target)
  make install
  The only extra is the "make parser" line which is needed to build
  the lex/yacc files. They are not auto-generated by the make file
  because of the numerous buggy lex/yacc implementations out there. 
  This way you can make sure you only generate the parsers from a
  machine with a good implementation.
  If you change 'configure.in' or related files, you need to regenerate the 
  configure script.
  From the spread/daemon/ directory,
  to rebuild the configure script you need to run:
  autoconf -I buildtools
  If you add new header defines you may also need to run
  autoheader -I buildtools
  To make a new release of Spread
  - Code Changes in release commit
    x) Update the Java build files javaapps/build.xml 
       <property name="version" value="3.17.2"/>
       Also update the spread version in SpreadConnection.java
    x) Update Spread version number in daemon/spread_params.h