[Spread-cvs] cvs commit: spread/daemon OpenBSD_makefile SOLARIS_CC_makefile arch.h Readme.txt

jonathan@spread.org jonathan@spread.org
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 10:06:18 -0500

jonathan    01/12/12 10:06:18

  Modified:    daemon   arch.h Readme.txt
  Added:       daemon   OpenBSD_makefile SOLARIS_CC_makefile
  Modified Files:
  	arch.h Readme.txt
  Added Files:
  	OpenBSD_makefile SOLARIS_CC_makefile
  Add makefiles and arch info for OpenBSD and Solaris 8 with cc compiler
  instead of gcc (also supports 64 bit compiles).
  Update Readme.txt to list final changes.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +21 -0     spread/daemon/arch.h
  Index: arch.h
  RCS file: /storage/cvsroot/spread/daemon/arch.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- arch.h	1 Sep 2001 13:50:53 -0000	1.4
  +++ arch.h	12 Dec 2001 15:06:18 -0000	1.5
  @@ -82,6 +82,10 @@
  +#ifdef __OpenBSD__
  +#define ARCH_PC_OPENBSD
   #ifdef __linux__
   #define ARCH_PC_LINUX
  @@ -195,6 +199,23 @@
   #define         ERR_TIMEDOUT    ETIMEDOUT
   #endif /* ARCH_PC_BSDI */
  +#define         INTSIZE32
  +#define         ARCH_SCATTER_CONTROL
  +#define         ARCH_ENDIAN     0x80000080
  +#define         LOC_INLINE      __inline__
  +#include        <sys/types.h>
  +#include        <sys/uio.h>
  +#define         ARCH_SCATTER_SIZE       1024 /* should be UIO_MAXIOV but it isn't actually declared in system includes */
  +#define         HAVE_GOOD_VARGS
  +#define         HAVE_LRAND48
  +typedef         int     sockopt_len_t;
  +/* Already defined
  +  typedef         u_int32_t   socklen_t;
  +#define         ERR_TIMEDOUT    ETIMEDOUT
  +#endif /* ARCH_PC_OPENBSD */
   #ifdef ARCH_PC_FREEBSD4
   #define		INTSIZE32
  1.12      +6 -2      spread/daemon/Readme.txt
  Index: Readme.txt
  RCS file: /storage/cvsroot/spread/daemon/Readme.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision 1.12
  diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
  --- Readme.txt	1 Nov 2001 00:06:38 -0000	1.11
  +++ Readme.txt	12 Dec 2001 15:06:18 -0000	1.12
  @@ -37,10 +37,10 @@
   | WWW    : http://www.spread.org  and  http://www.cnds.jhu.edu              |
   | Contact: spread@spread.org                                                |
   |                                                                           |
  -| Version 3.16.1 Built 31/September/2001                                    |
  +| Version 3.16.1 Built 11/December/2001                                     |
  -October 31, 2001 Ver 3.16.1 RC1 
  +December 11, 2001 Ver 3.16.1  
   1) Fix various races and bugs in the new authentication and access control 
  @@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
       for discovering this and providing lots of assistance debugging it.)
   14) Fix the binding to specific interfaces to work with broadcast packets. 
       (Thanks to Marc Zyngier for reporting the problem)
  +15) Updated man pages and Users Guide
  +16) Added makefile for OpenBSD contributed by Brandon Palmer.
  +17) Added makefile for Solaris 8 with Solaris cc compiler 6.1 contributed by Luc I. Suryo.
   June 25, 2001 Ver 3.16.0
  1.1                  spread/daemon/OpenBSD_makefile
  Index: OpenBSD_makefile
  YACC = bison -y
  LEX = flex
  #if you want more than one dir and include files will be taken auto
  #remove comments from next 3 line and comment fourth line
  #SRCDIRS= dir1 dir2
  #CFLAGS =  -O does not always work on BSDI pc
  CFLAGS = -c -Wall -O3
  TCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -pthread
  COBJS = lex.yy.o y.tab.o configuration.o skiplist.o acm.o 
  OBJS =  alarm.o events.o memory.o membership.o data_link.o network.o status.o log.o flow_control.o message.o acp-permit.o auth-null.o auth-ip.o
  .SUFFIXES : .o .to .lo .tlo
  all: spread spmonitor spuser sptuser simple_user spflooder
  shared : libsp.so libtsp.so
  spread : $(OBJS) $(COBJS) spread.o protocol.o session.o groups.o
  	$(CC) -o spread spread.o protocol.o session.o groups.o $(OBJS) $(COBJS)
  spmonitor : monitor.o alarm.o events.o memory.o data_link.o $(COBJS)
  	$(CC) -o spmonitor monitor.o  alarm.o events.o memory.o data_link.o $(COBJS)
  spuser : user.o libsp.a 
  	$(CC) -o spuser user.o libsp.a
  sptuser : user.to libtsp.a 
  	$(CC) -pthread -o sptuser user.to libtsp.a
  simple_user : simple_user.o libsp.a
  	$(CC) -o simple_user simple_user.o libsp.a 
  spflooder : flooder.o libsp.a
  	$(CC) -o spflooder flooder.o libsp.a
  run_spread : run_spread.o
  	$(CC) -o run_spread run_spread.o
  s : s.o alarm.o data_link.o events.o memory.o
  	$(CC) -o s s.o alarm.o data_link.o events.o memory.o
  r : r.o alarm.o data_link.o
  	$(CC) -o r r.o alarm.o data_link.o
  libsp.so : alarm.lo events.lo memory.lo sp.lo
  	gcc -shared -o libsp.so alarm.lo events.lo memory.lo sp.lo
  libtsp.so : alarm.tlo events.tlo memory.tlo sp.tlo
  	gcc -shared -o libtsp.so alarm.tlo events.tlo memory.tlo sp.tlo
  libsp.a : alarm.o events.o memory.o sp.o
  	ar r libsp.a alarm.o events.o memory.o sp.o; ranlib libsp.a
  libtsp.a : alarm.to events.to memory.to sp.to
  	ar r libtsp.a alarm.to events.to memory.to sp.to; ranlib libtsp.a
  	rm -f *.o *.to libsp.a libtsp.a
  lex.yy.c:       config_gram.l conf_body.h y.tab.h arch.h
  	$(LEX) config_gram.l
  y.tab.c y.tab.h:        config_parse.y configuration.h alarm.h skiplist.h memory.h objects.h conf_body.h
  	$(YACC) -d config_parse.y
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fPIC  $*.c -o $*.lo
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
  	$(CC) $(TCFLAGS) -fPIC -D_REENTRANT $*.c -o $*.tlo
  	$(CC) $(TCFLAGS) -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT $*.c -o $*.to
  	cp $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE).bak \
  	    && sed -ne '1,/^# DO NOT DELETE/p' $(MAKEFILE) > $(MAKEFILE).new \
  	    && gcc -MM $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) *.c >> $(MAKEFILE).new \
  	    && mv $(MAKEFILE).new $(MAKEFILE)
  # if you want to get fancy with dependency directories...
  #	    && sed -e '1,$$s: $(INCDIR)/: $$(INCDIR)/:g' \
  #	           -e '1,$$s: $(OSDIR)/: $$(OSDIR)/:g' Makefile.new \
  #		> Makefile.tmpl \
  #	    && rm Makefile.new
  # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE ##################
  alarm.o: alarm.c arch.h alarm.h
  arch.o: arch.c arch.h
  configuration.o: configuration.c configuration.h arch.h \
   spread_params.h sp_events.h alarm.h
  data_link.o: data_link.c arch.h data_link.h scatter.h status.h alarm.h
  events.o: events.c arch.h spread_params.h sp_events.h objects.h \
   memory.h alarm.h
  flooder.o: flooder.c sp.h sp_func.h sp_events.h
  flow_control.o: flow_control.c flow_control.h scatter.h arch.h \
   configuration.h spread_params.h sp_events.h membership.h prot_body.h \
   net_types.h protocol.h session.h prot_objs.h sess_types.h status.h \
  groups.o: groups.c arch.h spread_params.h sp_events.h net_types.h \
   protocol.h scatter.h session.h configuration.h prot_objs.h \
   sess_types.h prot_body.h sess_body.h skiplist.h groups.h objects.h \
   memory.h status.h alarm.h membership.h message.h
  lex.yy.o: lex.yy.c configuration.h arch.h spread_params.h sp_events.h \
  log.o: log.c arch.h log.h configuration.h spread_params.h sp_events.h \
   membership.h scatter.h prot_body.h net_types.h protocol.h session.h \
   prot_objs.h sess_types.h alarm.h
  membership.o: membership.c membership.h arch.h scatter.h \
   configuration.h spread_params.h sp_events.h flow_control.h \
   prot_body.h net_types.h protocol.h session.h prot_objs.h sess_types.h \
   network.h objects.h memory.h status.h alarm.h
  memory.o: memory.c arch.h errors.h memory.h alarm.h objects.h \
   spread_params.h sp_events.h
  message.o: message.c message.h arch.h prot_objs.h scatter.h \
   sess_types.h spread_params.h sp_events.h session.h configuration.h \
   memory.h net_types.h objects.h alarm.h
  monitor.o: monitor.c arch.h scatter.h configuration.h spread_params.h \
   sp_events.h status.h net_types.h data_link.h alarm.h
  network.o: network.c network.h arch.h scatter.h configuration.h \
   spread_params.h sp_events.h net_types.h data_link.h status.h alarm.h
  protocol.o: protocol.c prot_body.h configuration.h arch.h \
   spread_params.h sp_events.h net_types.h protocol.h scatter.h \
   session.h prot_objs.h sess_types.h membership.h flow_control.h \
   network.h status.h log.h objects.h memory.h alarm.h sess_body.h \
   skiplist.h message.h
  r.o: r.c arch.h alarm.h data_link.h scatter.h
  s.o: s.c arch.h alarm.h sp_events.h data_link.h scatter.h
  session.o: session.c arch.h spread_params.h sp_events.h net_types.h \
   objects.h memory.h session.h scatter.h configuration.h prot_objs.h \
   sess_types.h sess_body.h protocol.h skiplist.h groups.h log.h \
   status.h alarm.h prot_body.h message.h
  simple_user.o: simple_user.c sp.h sp_func.h sp_events.h
  skiplist.o: skiplist.c skiplist_p.h alarm.h arch.h
  sp.o: sp.c arch.h mutex.h sp_events.h spread_params.h sess_types.h \
   scatter.h alarm.h sp_func.h
  spread.o: spread.c arch.h spread_params.h sp_events.h session.h \
   scatter.h configuration.h prot_objs.h sess_types.h status.h log.h \
  status.o: status.c arch.h spread_params.h sp_events.h scatter.h \
   net_types.h data_link.h configuration.h status.h alarm.h
  user.o: user.c sp.h sp_func.h sp_events.h
  y.tab.o: y.tab.c alarm.h arch.h configuration.h spread_params.h \
  1.1                  spread/daemon/SOLARIS_CC_makefile
  Index: SOLARIS_CC_makefile
  # This makefile is for Solaris 7, Solaris 8 and newer
  CC      =       cc
  YACC    =       bison -y
  LEX     =       flex
  # For 32 Bits compilation
  #TCFLAGS        =       -O -c -DARCH_SPARC_SOLARIS
  #LDFLAGS        =       -s -R/usr/local/lib:
  # For 64 Bits compilation
  CFLAGS  =       -xO5 -xarch=v9 -c -DARCH_SPARC_SOLARIS
  TCFLAGS =       -xO5 -xarch=v9 -c -DARCH_SPARC_SOLARIS
  LDFLAGS =       -s -xarch=v9 -R/usr/local/lib:
  COBJS = lex.yy.o y.tab.o configuration.o skiplist.o acm.o 
  OBJS =  alarm.o events.o memory.o membership.o data_link.o network.o status.o log.o flow_control.o message.o  acp-permit.o auth-null.o auth-ip.o
  all: spread spmonitor spuser sptuser simple_user spflooder
  spread : $(OBJS) $(COBJS) spread.o protocol.o session.o groups.o
  	$(CC) -o spread spread.o protocol.o session.o groups.o $(OBJS) $(COBJS) -lsocket -lnsl
  spmonitor : monitor.o alarm.o events.o memory.o data_link.o $(COBJS)
  	$(CC) -o spmonitor monitor.o  alarm.o events.o memory.o data_link.o $(COBJS) -lsocket -lnsl
  spuser : user.o libsp.a 
  	$(CC) -o spuser user.o libsp.a -lsocket -lnsl
  sptuser : user.to libtsp.a 
  	$(CC) -o sptuser user.to libtsp.a -lsocket -lnsl -lpthread -lthread -lposix4
  simple_user : simple_user.o libsp.a
  	$(CC) -o simple_user simple_user.o libsp.a  -lsocket -lnsl
  spflooder : flooder.o libsp.a
  	$(CC) -o spflooder flooder.o libsp.a -lsocket -lnsl
  run_spread : run_spread.o
  	$(CC) -o run_spread run_spread.o
  s : s.o alarm.o data_link.o events.o memory.o
  	$(CC) -o s s.o alarm.o data_link.o events.o memory.o -lsocket -lnsl
  r : r.o alarm.o data_link.o
  	$(CC) -o r r.o alarm.o data_link.o -lsocket -lnsl
  libsp.a : alarm.o events.o memory.o sp.o
  	ar r libsp.a alarm.o events.o memory.o sp.o; ranlib libsp.a
  libtsp.a : alarm.to events.to memory.to sp.to
  	ar r libtsp.a alarm.to events.to memory.to sp.to; ranlib libtsp.a
  	rm -f *.o *.to libsp.a libtsp.a
  lex.yy.c:       config_gram.l conf_body.h y.tab.h arch.h
  	$(LEX) config_gram.l
  y.tab.c y.tab.h:        config_parse.y configuration.h alarm.h skiplist.h memory.h objects.h conf_body.h
  	$(YACC) -d config_parse.y
  %.o:	%.c
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
  %.to:	%.c
  	$(CC) $(TCFLAGS) -D_REENTRANT $*.c -o $*.to
  ################### DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE ##################